Perbedaan Efektivitas Visual Cue Training dengan Gait Training Exercise terhadap Kemampuan Fungsional Berjalan pada Insan Pasca Stroke


  • Jerry Maratis Fakultas Fisioterapi, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta
  • Zunaedi Salam Fakultas Fisioterapi, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta
  • Pramudya Utama Klinik Fisioterapi Sasana Husada, Jakarta


Visual Cue Training, Gait Training Exercise, Functional Walking, Human Poststroke


Objective: This study aims to determine the difference in effectiveness of visual cue training with the gait training exercise on the functional ability of walking in post-stroke people. Methods: This study was a research experiment quantitative descriptive with a pretest – posttest control group design. Samples in this research were 20 people who were grouped  into 2 intervention and each group consisted of 10 people. The control group (I) with the gait training exercise intervention and the treatment group (II) with the visual cue training intervention. Walking functional improvement values ​​were measured by the dynamic gait index. Results: Hypothesis I and II testing with paired sample t-test showed p value <0.001. This means that the provision of intervention groups I or II can significantly improve the walking function of post-stroke people. Hypothesis III between the two groups with the independent sample t-test obtained p value <0.001, meaning that there was a significant difference between group I and group II and this research showed visual cue training was better than gait training exercise with the difference in mean difference and standard deviation is 6.80 ± 1.619 in group I and 10.70 ± 1.160 in group II. Conclusion: There was a difference visual cue training with gait training exercise on the improvement of walking functional in post-stroke people.



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