Critical Review: Dampak Kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Stroke Survivor
COVID-19 Pandemic, health services, stroke survivorAbstract
Background: At the end of 2019, all countries were shocked by the presence of a new type of corona virus, namely (SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV). The disease caused by this new virus is called Corona Virus Diseases 19 (COVID-19). Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from symptomatic patients occurs through droplets released when coughing or sneezing. To reduce the spread of COVID-19 social distancing is one of the most effective measures. Social distancing causes restrictions on health services, including patient visits at health facilities to prevent transmission of COVID-19. At an advanced level, several countries have imposed lockdowns or regional quarantines due to the increasingly massive spread of COVID-19. In the health sector, the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on health services such as limiting the number of visits and delaying services. One of the health services that experience limitations is the rehabilitation service for stroke patients. Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is an acute disturbance of cerebral blood vessel or perfusion. The COVID-19 pandemic has made health service centers limit visits every day and the impact is that stroke survivors have difficulty in rehabilitation. Stroke survivors are individuals who have suffered a stroke and are in the rehabilitation phase and still show residual symptoms. Methods: This study uses the Critical Review method of five articles. Critical Review is done by evaluating the selected articles using the PEDro scale. Results: COVID-19 affects the health care system and the quality of life of stroke survivors. Conclusion: From the five reviewed journals, it can be concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the decrease in independence and quality of life of stroke survivors.
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