
  • Juliastuti Jujuk IKesT Muhammadiyah Palembang


Bell's palsy is weakness of the facial muscles caused by involvement of the idiopathic facial nerves outside the central nervous system, in the absence of other neurological diseases. These incidents affect 11-40 people per 100,000 each year. The hypothesis regarding the involvement of herpes simplex virus infection has been widely accepted. Generally, the symptoms of this disease are mild with complete recovery in 2-3 weeks. The lifetime risk for this patient is 2%. Bell's palsy can affect men and women in equal proportions from the age of 10-40 years and affect the right and left side of the face, with the same number of cases. Physiotherapy programs are useful for increasing the strength of facial muscles that experience weakness as well as increasing functional activity and reducing the risk of disability.

 Keywords: Bell’s Palsy, kabat Technique, Faradic Current


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