The Indonesia
Background: Osteoarthritis patients generally cause functional problems in the joints, which if not intervened quickly and appropriately can cause disability problems. Many modalities of exercise therapy can be given in this case with different specifications and characteristics so that an in-depth analysis is needed in their use. Methods: A systematic review and randomized controlled trial was conducted. The ScienceDirect, PEDro, PubMed, Portal Garuda and Google Scholar databases were used to search for articles from early 2015 to 2021. Keywords were adjusted according to the Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), namely “Open Kinetic Chain,” “Closed Kinetic Chain”, “Osteoarthritis Knee ," and "Functional Activities". The risk of bias was assessed independently using the Cochrane Collaborative 'Risk of Bias' tool. Results: Nine studies were included in this review, containing several open and closed kinetic chain training methods oriented towards effective goal setting. for patients with OA of the knee to obtain improvements in functional activity.Both forms of exercise can increase the functional ability of the knee joint in osteoarthritis patients.Conclusion: both exercise methods have an effect on functional ability of the knee, but internal factors such as age need to be considered in the application of these two exercise techniques.
KEYWORDS: Functional Activity; Closed Kinetic Chain (CKC); Open Kinetic Chain (OKC), Knee Osteoarthritis
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