Meta - Analysis: The Effect of Breast Milk on Child Gross Motor Development
The Effect of Breast Milk on Child Gross Motor Development
Objective: This study aims to estimate the magnitude of the effect of breastfeeding on gross motor development in children based on the results of a number of previous studies.
Methods: The method of this research is systematic review and meta analysis. The articles used used the PubMed, Google Scholar and Science Diret databases with the keywords "gross motor development'' And "Breastfeeding" OR "Breastmilk" AND "Observatinal". Articles filtered using PICO keywords. The population of this study were children aged under 6 years with the intervention given breast milk, the comparison was not given breast milk and the result was gross motor development in children. The articles obtained are full text articles and are collected using PRISMA diagrams and analyzed using the Review Manager 5.3 application.
Result: From 5 articles that have been meta-analyzed with an observational study design, the results are that breast milk improves gross motor skills in children with the results is (aOR : 1.26; 95% CI=0.85 to 1.88 , p = 0.24 )
Conclusion: Breast milk improves gross motor development in children
Keywords: breastfeeding, breastmilk, gross motor development
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