Penerapan Ultrasound Therapy, Eccentric Exercise dan Friction Massage Terhadap Gangguan Gerak dan Fungsi Elbow dan Wrist Joint Sinistra Akibat Tennis Elbow


  • Juliastuti Jujuk IKesT Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Tiara Anugerah Zugeta
  • Yudiansyah


Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of ultrasound therapy, eccentric exercise, and friction massage interventions on participants with a diagnosis of left tennis elbow.

Methods: This study used the case study method, and data collection was carried out by evaluating the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Elbow Joint and Wrist Joint Range of Motion (LGS), and Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE). The respondent in this case was a 24-year-old man with impaired movement and function of the elbow and wrist joints due to left tennis elbow.

Results: obtained a decrease in pain in flexion and supination of the left elbow joint from a VAS value of 8 to a VAS value of 3, a decrease in tenderness in the left lateral epycondylus from a value of VAS 7 to a value of VAS 2, an increase in the range of motion of the left elbow joint in flexion and extension movements of the value (S) 00 – 00 – 1250 becomes (S) 00 – 00 – 1450, movement of supination pronation of the left elbow joint from (R) 600 – 00 – 700 becomes (R) 800 – 00 – 800, movement of radial ulnar deviation of the wrist joint left from (F) 150 – 00 – 200 (F) 200 – 00 – 300, left dorso palmar wrist joint movement from (S) 450 – 00 – 600 to (S) 500 – 00 – 500, as well as increased functional activity elbow joint left with a PRTEE questionnaire score from 72 to 23.

Conclusion: Intervention with ultrasound therapy, eccentric exercise, and friction massage can reduce pain and increase joint range of motion and function of the elbow and wrist joints in the condition of tennis elbow left.

Key words: tennis elbow, ultrasound therapy, eccentric exercise, friction massage, and patient-rated tennis elbow evaluation (PRTEE).

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